This year was Angola’s very first appearance at the Venice Biennale and it made quite the freshman appearance, winning the Golden Lion, awarded to the country that shows the best national participation and is presented by the biennale jury.
The Angola Pavilion has two exhibitions. The first is Edson Chaga’s “Luanda, Encyclopedic City,” for which the Golden Lion was awarded. Chaga’s photos focus on Angola’s capital city, Luanda. The photos are adorned with objects such as chipping and deteriorating exteriors, an old broken chair and a single metal pipe. Chaga’s photos were spread throughout a room, placed on wooden palettes and stacked like computer paper, free for the taking. The second exhibition will be “Angola em Movimento” a painting and sculpture display-featuring artists from various generations and pieces.
Participating for the first time, Angola was required to rent a venue, the Palazzo Cini. The Angola Pavilion will be open for the duration of the biennale, until November 24, 2013.