Max Mara and the Maramotti Collection, unleashed “Human as Food” at Expo Milan this spring. The exhibition in on view until September 15 at the Via Monte di Pietà and consists of 40 works by the children of Reggio Emilia and the Atelier dell’Errore, a visual arts studio that displays the work of children neuropsychiatry.
Each work focuses on the theme of fantastic beast-like creatures that feed off men. The exhibition showcases the fears of the children, by changing the roles of humans to consumer objects that animals devour, like the “LandSea Mangrinder” currently on display at the Milan Central Station. The settings of these pieces take place in the imaginary worlds like underground tunnels, the sea, and in space. Some pieces on display consist of large drawings that cover several sheets of paper.
Alongside the show, Max Mara created a shopping bag inspired by the drawings of the children of atelier. They will be on sale at the Max Mara group stores in Milan and all the proceeds will support the art studio.