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Ari Marcopoulos

Seeing What Ari Marcopoulos Sees at Paris Photo 2018

Paris Photo took place at the Grand Palais November 8-12. The fair brought together 168 galleries and 31 editors from 30 countries. Several galleries presented solo booths, including David Goldblatt at Goodman Gallery, Robert Frank at James Danziger Gallery, Erik Mazigan at Christophe Guye.

A highlight for us was Ari Marcopoulos at Frank Elbaz. Whitewall had the chance to sit down with the Amsterdam-born filmmaker and photographer about what was on view.

Ari Marcopoulos Ari Marcopoulos at galerie Frank Elbaz
Photo by Angie Kremer

WHITEWALL: Can you tell us about when you made the works included in the booth?

ARI MARCOPOULOS: Most of the pictures in the booth were taken in 2017 and 2018, so it is my latest work. At this time, I’m mostly interested in the latest works that I’ve done. So I don’t go back much, although  there is this portrait of Jean-Michel Basquiat that I took at his house. And there is a portrait of my son.

Ari Marcopoulos Ari Marcopoulos at galerie Frank Elbaz
Photo by Angie Kremer

The booth is a small space so I tried to show all the different ways that I use photography and printing.

WW: How would you describe your work in photography?

Ari Marcopoulos Ari Marcopoulos at galerie Frank Elbaz
Photo by Angie Kremer

AM: My works are always strongly connected to my life. All the pictures have to do with my family, my friends, where I go, and my surroundings. If you look at my books or past exhibitions, you really get a sense and impressions of the things that I see in my life.

It is not necessarily biographical because it is not about me or about who I am but it’s about how I experience life and what I choose to look at. It shows my interests. And my interests are wide ranging and the subjects are board.



Portrait by Angie Kremer.







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