William Kentridge: “Second-hand Reading” at Marian Goodman Gallery
September 17 – October 26
Opening: September 17, 6-8PM
24 West 57th Street
The exhibition evolves out of works and projects begun in 2012: the Six Drawing Lessons, delivered as part of The Norton Lectures series at Harvard University in 2012 in which a consideration about work in the studio and the studio as a place of making meaning developed; and the recent 5-channel video and sound installation with breathing machine, The Refusal of Time.
Alexis Rockman: “Rubicon” at Sperone Westwater
September 17 – November 2
Opening: September 17, 6-8PM
257 Bowery
For almost three decades, Rockman has depicted a darkly surreal vision of the collision between civilization and nature. The artist’s epic paintings of apocalyptic scenarios, once described as “toxic sublime,” demonstrate his signature subject matter as well as his meticulous technique depicting scientific detail, skillful use of intense color, and monumental scale.
Paola Pivi: “OK, you are better than me, so what?” at Galerie Perrotin
September 19 – October 26
Opening: September 17, 6–8pm
909 Madison Avenue
Galerie Perrotin will inaugurate its New York space with an exhibition by the audacious and playful Italian artist Paola Pivi. Pivi creates artworks that are disorienting and simultaneously poetic. Though formally different, her work pushes the limit of what can be done in this world as an artwork. Her first comprehensive solo exhibition in the United States will take over both floors of the gallery and include eight fantastic polar bears.
Polly Borland: “You” at Paul Kasmin Shop
September 18 – October 19
Opening: September 18, 6-8PM
511 West 27th Street
You is a meditation on love, from the heightened anticipation of possibility to its ultimately crushing disappointment. Photographing mirrors that support and reflect stuffed figures and mannequins bound in taut flesh-tone stockings, Borland masterfully creates abstract compositions that are both visceral and hauntingly beautiful.
Lucio Fontana, Yves Klein, Cy Twombly: “Audible Presence” at Dominique Lévy Gallery
September 18 – November 16
Opening: September 18, 6-9PM
909 Madison Avenue
Spanning a thirty year period, Audible Presence reveals moments of conceptual and formal resonance between carefully selected works of art by Fontana, Klein, and Twombly. While the monochromatic surfaces on view – cut, pressed, burned, inscribed, or otherwise violated – reflect distinct dynamic, sensual, and romantic approaches to abstraction, they emerged from a shared Mediterranean climate and engagement with an international community of influential dealers and critics such as Iris Clert and Pierre Restany.
Yves Klein: “Monotone-Silence Symphony” at Madison Avenue Presbyterian Church
Performance: September 18, 8PM
921 Madison Avenue
This powerful perceptual encounter will unfold over 40 minutes. Seventy musicians and singers will hold a single continuous tone for a 20-minute period. The performers then will remain frozen and motionless in observance of a 20-minute period of absolute silence. Of that soundlessness Klein wrote, “The silence is so marvelous because it grants happenstance and even sometimes the possibility of true happiness, if only for a moment, for a moment whose duration is immeasurable.”
Taner Ceylan: “The Lost Paintings Series” at Paul Kasmin Gallery
September 18 – October 26
Opening: September 18, 6-8PM
515 West 27th Street
Well-known for his provocative, emotional realism paintings, Ceylan began “The Lost Paintings Series” as a contemporary exploration of the Orientalist gaze in all its facets. Upsetting both western and eastern master narratives, “The Lost Paintings Series” present Eastern figures in a fascinating navigation of history, power and narrative.
Nick Hornby: “Sculpture (1504-2013) at Churner and Churner
September 19 – November 2
Opening: September 19, 6-8PM
205 10th Avenue
Churner and Churner presents the first solo U.S. exhibition of British sculptor Nick Hornby. Sculpture (1504-2013) brings together three new works by the artist, each of which circumnavigate his enquiry into citation and abstraction.
Zhang Huan: “Poppy Fields” at Pace Gallery
September 20 – October 26
Opening: September 19, 6-8PM
534 West 25th Street
This exhibition features 23 never-before-seen paintings made from 2011 to 2013 that have occupied the artist’s practice for 3 years. Poppy Fields includes a series of vividly colored, oil on linen paintings that are uniquely intimate in scale and nature compared to the artist’s iconic large-scale Ash paintings and monumental sculptures. Zhang Huan employs a thick impasto technique and all-over style that engulfs the surface of each Poppy Field painting.
Jan Dibbets at Gladstone Gallery
September 20 – October 19
Opening: September 20, 6-8PM
515 West 24th Street
This exhibition will feature a recent series of Dibbets’ Colorstudies, large-scale works that depict detailed views of car hoods. The works have been created from Dibbet’s original materials from the 1970s, using modern technology and contemporary techniques to better achieve what Dibbets originally envisioned for the Colorstudies works.
Richard Hollis at Artist Space
September 21 – November 10
Opening: September 20, 6-8PM
55 Walker Street
This exhibition, curated by design historian Emily King with Stuart Bailey, is the first overview of Hollis’ work in the US. Consisting of roughly 100 items drawn from the designer’s archive including finished pieces, layouts, and notes it reflects Hollis’s entire professional life, including his travels in the 1950s and 60s to Cuba, Zurich and Paris, his part in founding a new art school in Bristol in 1964, his role in the design of radical politics in the 1960s and 70s and his career-long investigation of the graphic design of culture.