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Top NYC Exhibitions Opening This Week (April 22 – 26)


Alex Hubbard: “Magical Ramon and The Five Bar Blues” at Maccarone
April 23 – May 25
Opening: April 23, 6-8PM
630 Greenwich Street
Hubbard presents seven new “bent paintings,” pigmented urethane casts of a single trash painting that the artist contorts into sculpture via an intricate heating process involving a home-made oven.  Scattered throughout the gallery, some are sandwiched between or strung along walls, while others act more modestly as floor sculpture.


Palermo: “Drawings 1976-1977” at David Zwirner
April 25 – June 29
Opening: April 25, 6-8PM
537 West 20th Street
Executed at the end of the artist’s brief career, Palermo’s works on paper from 1976-1977 suggest a kind of summation of his artistic practice: not only do they exemplify his ongoing experimentation with the symbolic and formal possibilities of composition and space, but they also convey his understanding of color as a system of signs.

Trudy Benson: “Paint” at Horton Gallery
April 25 – June 2
Opening: April 25, 7-9PM
55-59 Chrystie Street
Trudy Benson’s paintings directly evolve out of her relationship with rudimentary graphic programs such as Windows Paint and Brushes. The paintings found in “PAINT” blend perfectly Benson’s affinity to abstract painting and modern technology while also exploring a dialogue with classical painting motifs such as the venus pudica.

Koen van den Broek: “Apex” at Friedman Benda
April 25 – May 24, 2013
Opening: April 25, 6-8PM
515 West 26th Street
In this body of large-scale work Koen van den Broek uses the history of his own paintings as a reference point and conceives fresh commentaries on abstractaction.  He formally resolves his signature tension between the photographic and the painterly, transcending from referential and cerebral to the experiential and spiritual.

Adrian Piper, Joëlle Tuerlinckx, KRIWET at Elizabeth Dee
April 25 – May 25
No opening reception.
548 West 22nd Street
No press release.

Joan Linder: “Sink” at Mixed Greens
April 25 – May 24
Opening: April 25, 6-8PM
531 West 26th Street
Joan Linder has spent countless hours rendering quotidian objects and places—everything from junk mail to an entire dive bar—in excruciating, life-size detail.  For the “Sink” series, Linder shifts her approach. Rather than complete a drawing and move to another subject, Linder draws and redraws her kitchen sink, recording the passage of time as reflected in one specific household location.




James Welling’s “Thought Objects,” an exhibition of new and recent photography, opens at David Zwirner in New York
Gerhard Richter's body of work showcased at David Zwirner London delves into the transcendent nature of art.
Art Basel 2024 has once again cemented its position as the epicenter of the contemporary art world, taking place last week.


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