A continuation of Viktor & Rolf’s edgy, ballet-inspired spring 2014 couture collection, their 2015 resort collection consists of mostly one-piece dresses or single, unlayered tops and bottoms. The ballerina as an athlete and a performer is threaded throughout the collection in looks and colors on a micro- and macro-scale.
In one piece, a track suit is made delicate via light and soft mesh material. On a dress, a soft pastel pink is paired with a vibrant yellow and blue. A range of color graces the collection from soft and delicate pink, blue and gray pastels, to vibrant yellow, turquoise, and orange shades.
Textures, such as ruffles and peplum, play a big role. Tutu-inspired skirts and punchy peplum tops make the collection strongly feminine. Playful motifs, like feathers and swans, are used with delicacy and grace on a pair of high-waisted shorts or as a print on a dress. There is fluidity and a noticeable lack of layering between looks, which aligns to the simple, classic style of ballerinas.