Set in time for 2035, Nick Graham’s new galactic menswear collection is an offering for life on Mars. During the fashion show on January 31, we celebrated the debut with a special narration by science educator and the CEO of The Planetary Society, Bill Nye.
Out of this world and for the galaxy’s fashionable stars, we saw flashy and sleek form-fitting space-oriented formalwear in silver, grey, purple, red, navy, dark green, and black. Paired with skinny ties and bowties were matching scarves and tie clips, necklaces, goggles, necklaces, sunglasses, and hats, too. To go with the collection’s multiple patterns of spaceships, plaid, and paisley, were graphic tees that read “Get Your Ass to Mars.” We got an eye full of galaxy visuals, a video odyssey to space, and images of Mars provided by the American Museum of Natural History.
And to close out the show was Dr. Buzz Aldrin, one of two of the first NASA astronauts on the Apollo 11 mission to walk on the moon. Graham’s inspiration by Aldrin’s idea that we will be able to land people on the red planet by 2035 came full circle.
“I’m a huge fan of both Bill Nye and Buzz Aldrin,” said Graham. “Both of them have had an enormous impact on our understanding of science and space. To work with them on the Mars show is so exciting. And besides, Mars is the new black.”