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Are you Gonna Eat That?

Art Basel Miami Beach is as much about the hottest art as it is about the hottest parties. Between the secret LCD Soundsystem shows and synchronized swimming performance art care of Klaus Biesenbach in the pool at the Delano, a girl’s still gotta find time to eat, too.  After years of experience cramming in canapés, here are Whitewall’s five ways to eat on the go (and for free!) during Art Basel Miami Beach.

1. Make friends with the people with the clipboards. The best events usually have the best food – so get on the list. This is especially true in Miami during ABMB. When Louis Vuitton is hosting barbecues on the beach at Soho Beach House, make sure you’re snacking on some chicken satay next to Owen Wilson and Adrien Brody. If it’s passed hors d’oeuvres, schmooz near the door to the kitchen. And if you can’t get past the PR girls at a Ferrari event where Solange Knowles is DJing, you can say goodbye to those tiny filet mignons, too.

2. Smaller galleries openings are less crowded and therefore have more canapes to go around. Check the local Miami galleries to see who are having openings, without the list.  Operative words here: “Food and drinks provided by…” Go early so you don’t have to miss the more exclusive events with VIP sightings later in the evening.

3. Big dinners are worth the bites, but be prepared to set aside at least a couple of hours.  Sit-down dinners are the best: there’s plenty of food, they cook to impress, and there’s often really great people-watching. But you’ve got to commit to being there for the full 8PM-10PM if you want that lobster salad and unending glass of champagne.

4. Go to press conferences. They may be on the early side if it’s Julian Schnabel talking about his new project, that’s pretty cool and worth it.  Plus, there’s usually bagels and coffee. Don’t forget your steno pad.

5. Don’t worry, you’ll always have breakfast – and if you eat enough it can be lunch, too. For the past 10 years during ABMB, Jennifer Rubell makes breakfast into performance art and “serves” the morning meal at the Rubell Family Collection. Last year, Rubell treated us to yogurt and an endless honey drip, and in the past she’s done donuts and oatmeal. Whatever she makes this year, it’s sure to be delicious and fun (and truly free).

And when these five rules fail, just go to Five Guys. They’re open 24 hours, there’s one right in Miami Beach, they’ve got beer, piles of peanuts, and certainly no velvet rope.






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