In our latest update on how brands are responding to the COVID-19 pandemic, we’re sharing details from Tiffany & Co., Roxanne Assoulin, Balmain, and more.
An Artist Relief fund has been established by an alliance of arts supporters and grant makers including Academy of American Poets, Artadia, Creative Capital, Foundation for Contemporary Arts, MAP Fund, National YoungArts Foundation, and United States Artists. The relief program launched with $10M—including $5M provided by The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation—and provides $5,000 grants to aid creatives in financial stress due to the COVID-19. Alongside the fund, Americans for the Arts has designed the COVID-19 Impact Survey for Artists and Creative Workers, which will help pinpoint the needs of artists moving forward.
Mayhoola—the parent group encompassing the fashion houses Balmain, Valentino, and Pal Zileri—has donated over $1M to France’s La Fondation Hôpitaux de Paris – Hôpitaux de France. Each Montfermeil and Delafontaine hospital will receive over $400K to purchase necessary medical equipment like respirators, blood collection kits, and masks, and more than $100K will support the medical staff working the frontlines of the virus.
Jewelry brand Roxanne Assoulin has designed five new Remind Yourself bracelets in response to COVID-19. Each colorful piece bears an inspiring saying—like “Just breathe,” and “One day at a time.” 10 percent of the proceeds of each bracelet sold will benefit the COVID-19 Direct Relief Fund.
New York-based lifestyle brand Caraa has debuted the Caraa Cares initiative—creating machine-washable, non-medical grade masks from excess recycled fabric, shipping in packs of five. The brand offers three options: receive a complimentary pack of masks when you spend $85 or more online; buy a pack for yourself or a friend; or sponsor the purchase of a pack to be sent to New York State’s COVID-19 Response Fund. Furthermore, the brand will match all mask purchases and donations, and will donate 5 percent of all sales to the World Health Organization’s COVID-19 Response Fund through April 17.
Graff Foundation has contributed $1M to the World Health Organization’s (WHO) COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund. The donation will aid WHO’s work in combating COVID-19, and aid in providing resources—like medical supplies and the development of vaccines and treatments.
Tiffany & Co. Foundation has contributed $1M to both the WHO’s COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund and to The New York Community Trust’s NYC COVID-19 Response & Impact Fund. The brand will also match, dollar for dollar, any employee donations made to nonprofit organizations supporting COVID-19 relief.
Jewelry house David Yurman has pledged $1M in support of various COVID-19 related causes—starting by aiding New York, the U.S. epicenter of the pandemic. While temporarily closing all retail locations, the brand will also continue to provide health benefits for its employees.