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Studio Visit

Angela Heisch

Angela Heisch on Personifying Paintings

Photographer Steve Benisty recently captured Heisch in her studio for Whitewall. The artist shares below how she’s lately finding inspiration in fantasy, outerspace, and the chaos of nature.

Osamu Kobayashi

Osamu Kobayashi’s Sweeping Strokes Bring the Improbable to Existence

Osamu Kobayashi’s work is a metaphor for how he sees the world. The Brooklyn-based artist creates abstract paintings with wide, curving brushstrokes, covering or revealing a colorful underlayer of gradients or bright tones. Some paintings suggest a face, a profile, the curve of a body, or a pair of eyes.

Art Mamas: Aimee Gilmore’s Awesome Transition into Motherhood

Aimee Gilmore’s art has always been rooted in personal narrative. So, when she found herself embarking on an MFA program at the University of Pennsylvania in the fall of 2015 with her three-month-old daughter Maya, it was only natural that her work began to reflect her awesome transition into motherhood.


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