Last Friday, Max Mara re-opened its flagship boutique on Madison Avenue in New York. Taking place during New York Fashion week, Bella Hadid and other fashion fans celebrated at an evening cocktail reception hosted by Maria Giulia Maramotti. Guests sipped on champagne and enjoyed Italian appetizers while listening to DJ Alex Merrell and DJ Simi + Haze.
The opening event unveiled not only the stunning reimagined space, but saw the release of a special edition mini Whitney Bag. While the bag boasts vibrant, jewel-tone colors and a luxe velvet material, the newly conceptualized store boasts approximately 5,000 square feet in the Victorian-style building located on Madison Avenue and 68th Street. The refurbished space, designed by Duccio Grassi Architects, highlights the spirit of the Max Mara brand through a manifestation of its Italian heritage and contemporary energy.