Piazza Sempione had its video-making debut with A Day of Wonder, a short movie for Milan Fashion Week. Set in Marrakech, a woman sashays through a riad, dips her toes into the pool, lounges on a daybed, and has a dream more frightening than expected for such a relaxing setting. Inspired by the 1942 cult film, Cat People, the imagery of the dream switches from color to black and white, and instantly gives off a thrilling, mysterious feeling.
“The protagonist is beautiful and natural like Piazza Sempione’s woman. And the reference to the elegance of the Noir genre combines perfectly with the classically modern essence of the brand,” said Italian artist Rä di Martino, who shot the short film. Martino has spent some time in Morocco, so she understood how to capture the essence of the collection. In an effort to always combine fashion, art, and photography, Piazza Sempione’s short film beautifully intertwined the three.
A Day of Wonder premiered on Nowness and was shown Saturday, September 26 at the presentation of Sempione’s spring/summer 2016 collection.