“Bodywork: Discomfort and Existence” at MASSIMODECARLO in Milan is a group exhibition of work by Pina Bausch, Shannon Cartier Lucy, Jordan Casteel, Aaron Garber-Maikovska, Sayre Gomez, Johannes Kahrs, Bruce Nauman, Carol Rama, Kathleen Ryan, and Kaari Upson. On view through April 17 is a variety of work, including painting, sculpture, video, and more that explore the role of the body in relation to power and relationships. The show is framed through the experience of the past year, where our understanding and fear of our own bodies and others has entered an extreme level. Video and dance are central to the show, like in works by Nauman and Akerman.
On view at Gagosian is “Iconic Avedon: A Centennial Celebration of Richard Avedon” (January 22-March 4) connecting the artist to Paris.
This month, on view January 10-February 28, Stanley Whitney debuts his painting Dear Paris (2023) at Gagosian.
On view at Gagosian is “Iconic Avedon: A Centennial Celebration of Richard Avedon” (January 22-March 4) connecting the artist to Paris.
This month, on view January 10-February 28, Stanley Whitney debuts his painting Dear Paris (2023) at Gagosian.