On February 17, Galleria Raffaella Cortese introduced their fifth solo show with artist Kiki Smith, titled “the cat himself knows,” currently on view through May 18. Inspired by the resourceful cats who call the moat of Castello Sforzesco in Milan their humble abode, Smith’s alluring sculptures and drawings of the city’s dynamic community provoke a sensitive dialogue between human, animal, and the changing urban landscape. Titles such as Heart in Hand (2015), Mercy (2022), and Empath 046 (2022) suggest opportunities for nourishing exchanges between all of mother earth’s creatures for the well-being of our souls and our delicate environment.
On view at Gagosian is “Iconic Avedon: A Centennial Celebration of Richard Avedon” (January 22-March 4) connecting the artist to Paris.
This month, on view January 10-February 28, Stanley Whitney debuts his painting Dear Paris (2023) at Gagosian.
On view at Gagosian is “Iconic Avedon: A Centennial Celebration of Richard Avedon” (January 22-March 4) connecting the artist to Paris.
This month, on view January 10-February 28, Stanley Whitney debuts his painting Dear Paris (2023) at Gagosian.