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Left: Lucio Fontana, "Ambiente Spaziale,” 1948, 37,7 x 22,5 cm, gouache on paper, © Fondazione Lucio Fontana. Right: Antony Gormley, "Model Model 2,” 2022, 19.7 x 51.5 x 122.5 cm, 3 mm Corten steel, © Antony Gormley.

Lucio Fontana / Antony Gormley

Associazione Arte Continua presents “Lucio Fontana / Antony Gormley,” the first duo exhibition featuring these major artists, on view at the Negozio Olivetti in Venice. The show, curated by Luca Massimo Barbero,  offers a cross-generational link through a selection of drawings made by Fontana between 1946 and 1968 and a series of drawings, workbooks, and models that run through all aspects of Gormley’s research, culminating with some sculptures by both artists. In the work of both sculptors there is to be found a concise and infinite interplay of space and light. Said Fontana, “I make holes; infinity passes through, light passes, there is no need to paint.” And of Fontana, Gormley says, “Lucia Fontana spent a lifetime revealing the fact that space exists behind appearance and inviting us to experience it.” The exhibition will illuminate the role of body and space in the work of both artists as interdependent mediums of apprehension.



On view at Gagosian is “Iconic Avedon: A Centennial Celebration of Richard Avedon” (January 22-March 4) connecting the artist to Paris.
Whitewall shares a curated selection of the best fairs, exhibitions, and more, tailor made for art lovers during Miami Art Week this year.


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