Saint Laurent Rive Droite is an imaginative destination curated by the creative director of the house, Anthony Vaccarello. Newly opened in June and named for the brand’s “Rive Gauche” line from the 1960s, the boutique offers guests a unique experience. Regularly hosting cultural events, performances, and art exhibitions, the space also carries an array of limited-edition products and surprising items from the fashion, music, and art worlds.
Recently, Vaccarello teamed up with an array of renowned sports brands to design exclusive products, including skis, snowboards, and basketballs.
Winter sports gear was developed with ZAI; a black sledge was created with Sirch; and with Spalding, the brand redesigned the iconic basketball in black snakeskin. The new products are available in the Paris and Los Angeles Rive Droite stores and online.
• Explore the curated library.
• Don’t miss the selection of music-related relics.
• Be sure to inquire about upcoming exhibitions.
Whitewaller recommends: Purchasing the new 9Forty cap, created with New Era.