Skirball Cultural Center presents The Official Unofficial Voting Station, an idealized online polling place created by artist and activist Aram Han Sifuentes. The artist playfully created a voting station and invites everyone to cast a symbolic ballot, regardless of the legal barriers preventing more than 90 million people from participating in the US elections. In addition, S“I Voted’’ stickers and more, designed by Sifuentes are sent to Skirball participants upon request. “The Official Unofficial Voting Station: Voting for All Who Legally Can’t’’ represents the second step of a 2020-2021 collaboration between Skirball Cultural Center and the artist, following 2 artist-led workshops offered by the museum this past summer.
On view at Gagosian is “Iconic Avedon: A Centennial Celebration of Richard Avedon” (January 22-March 4) connecting the artist to Paris.
This month, on view January 10-February 28, Stanley Whitney debuts his painting Dear Paris (2023) at Gagosian.
On view at Gagosian is “Iconic Avedon: A Centennial Celebration of Richard Avedon” (January 22-March 4) connecting the artist to Paris.
This month, on view January 10-February 28, Stanley Whitney debuts his painting Dear Paris (2023) at Gagosian.