“Heimat. A Sense of Belonging” is an exhibition of the late Peter Lindbergh spanning several decades of the photographer’s work through a selection of images personally selected by Giorgio Armani—including some never-before-exhibited photos. Open by appointment only, the Armani/Silos show highlights Lindbergh’s singular aesthetic and viewpoint both in and outside of fashion photography, divided into three sections: “The Naked Truth,” “Heimat,” and “The Modern Heroine.”

A wealth of dynamic exhibitions descend upon Los Angeles this fall, from Tahnee Lonsdale’s to Alice Neel at galleries around the city.
Whitewall shines light on riveting presentations at Art Sonje Center, Peres Projects, Primary Practice, and more.
This summer, Whitewaller presents its current highlights in Arles, a city filled with blossoming talent, including at Fondation Thalie.
A wealth of dynamic exhibitions descend upon Los Angeles this fall, from Tahnee Lonsdale’s to Alice Neel at galleries around the city.
Whitewall shines light on riveting presentations at Art Sonje Center, Peres Projects, Primary Practice, and more.
This summer, Whitewaller presents its current highlights in Arles, a city filled with blossoming talent, including at Fondation Thalie.