Commissioned and produced by the Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD), “Pierre Cardin: Le Futur” is an animated film narrating the life and career of fashion designer Pierre Cardin. Directed by Matthew Miller and produced by SCAD alumnus-owned Ways & Means studio, the film covers Cardin’s groundbreaking career, including work with names like Schiaparelli and Dior, as well as his own house. The animation includes a discussion between Cardin and SCAD Founder and President Paula Wallace, as well as commentary by Jean Paul Gaultier, André Leon Talley, Jim Bittermann, and Maryse Gaspard.
This summer, Whitewaller presents its current highlights in Arles, a city filled with blossoming talent, including at Fondation Thalie.
The collection of Judy Glickman Lauder at the Norton Museum of Art lends itself to a sweeping narrative of 20th-century photography.
Named for Abraham Cruzvillegas's essay reminding us that everything is subject to evolution, "The Willfulness of Objects" features a series of works from The Bass's collection.
This summer, Whitewaller presents its current highlights in Arles, a city filled with blossoming talent, including at Fondation Thalie.
The collection of Judy Glickman Lauder at the Norton Museum of Art lends itself to a sweeping narrative of 20th-century photography.
Named for Abraham Cruzvillegas's essay reminding us that everything is subject to evolution, "The Willfulness of Objects" features a series of works from The Bass's collection.